Vince McMillan
Vince epitomises the essence of New Zealand storytelling, celebrated for his groundbreaking television series "Kura," which intimately explores the lives of young Māori in contemporary Aotearoa. Infused with a distinctive blend of humour, heart, and uniquely Kiwi characters, "Kura" has left an indelible mark on the New Zealand media landscape, captivating audiences far and wide.
Grounded in his cinematic sensibilities and unwavering commitment to storytelling, Vince is renowned for his ability to craft compelling characters and narratives that resonate deeply. This directorial finesse underscores both his creative ventures and commercial successes, where he seamlessly blends artistic integrity with engaging storytelling.
Beyond television, Vince has successfully translated his storytelling prowess into impactful commercial campaigns. His films, marked by visual richness and narrative depth, showcase his versatility and ability to captivate audiences across various mediums.
For Vince's availability and enquiries, contact:
Matt McKenzie
+64 21 071 2594
[email protected]
Michelle Delaney
+64 21 415 576
[email protected]
Z Energy - Receipts
Z Energy - Receipts
Kura - S3 'Sharon's Date'
Kura - S3 'Sharon's Date'
Z Energy - Lunch
Z Energy - Lunch
Z Energy - Milk
Z Energy - Milk
Kura - S2 'PawnShop'
Kura - S2 'PawnShop'
Kura - S3 'Wharf'
Kura - S3 'Wharf'
Kura - S1 'The Van Ride'
Kura - S1 'The Van Ride'
Z Energy - Pick Me Up
Z Energy - Pick Me Up
Pathfinder - Good Returns
Pathfinder - Good Returns